Find out if you're owed £ instantly

For working from home during COVID-19 and claim your free £.00 Amazon voucher

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Upload a copy of your payslip or P60

Upload a copy of your payslip / P60 so we can validate your claim. If you're uncertain about what is required and / or what a payslip / P60 is, follow our simple instruction guide here

Please upload a copy of your payslip or P60 Your payslip / P60 has been added successfully and you can now continue
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Your £ tax claim starts here

Have you worked from home for a single day or more during the pandemic? If so, you are eligible for a claim

Please select a year that you worked from home
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Key information about you for your claim

The information below is what we will use to take your claim to HMRC, so double check it's accurate before proceeding

This is the name that the cheque will be made out to, so ensure it's accurate

Please select your title
Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter a valid date of birth You must be over 18 to make a claim

We need your mobile telephone number so we can keep you updated on your claim with text messages. As for your address, this is so we have somewhere to post the cheque

Please enter a valid mobile telephone number
Please enter a valid UK postcode and click 'Find my address'
Find my address

Once you're happy that all of your information above is accurate, click 'Continue' below to proceed and complete

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Sign, seal & complete

Finally, HMRC require your signature to process the claim and release your cheque,

Please sign in the white box above to complete

Once you're happy with your signature above, click 'Submit & complete' below to submit your claim and complete the process

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Your information is 100% safe and secure on this website

Work from home tax claims has featured on

"Once I found out she got over £200 back I knew I should get roughly the same"

I found out about this service from a friend at work. She worked from home during Covid on and off like me as we work in the same department. Once I found out she got over £200 back I knew I should get roughly the same. She sent me the link to this site and they literally did everything for me. All I had to do was enter my details and upload my P60. Very easy. Very simple. I would highly recommend it to anyone!

Timothy Plumb, Devonshire

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I qualify for a claim?

You qualify for a claim if you worked from home during the 2020 - 21 and / or the 2021 - 22 tax year. You only had to work from home for at least 1 day in order to be eligible for a refund

Why do I need to upload my payslip / P60?

By uploading your payslip / P60 we can extract certain individual identifiers that are required for HMRC to process your claim, such as your PAYE reference number

How long does the process take?

There are a few factors that contribute to how long the process takes, such as how busy HMRC are and how quickly they're getting through the claims. Usually we see claims processed within 8-10 weeks

What's the maximum amount of money I can get?

The most HMRC will refund is £624, that's £312 for each tax year

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